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    • 地址:宁波
      • 联系人:单女士
      • 电话: 点击查看完整号码
      •  申请该职位
        • 宁波生活网提醒您:在签订合同之前,以各种理由收取非正规费用(押金、服装费、报名费、体检费、要求购买充值卡等)均有骗子嫌疑,请提高警惕。联系用人单位前请仔细阅读《谨防诈骗须知
    • 职位描述
    职位信息 Describe the main assignments and responsibilities, including management responsibilities ●       Fully abide by the company's QHSE requirements,be responsible for daily maintenance and repair of  all kind of equipment,piping and other facility in Changshu site;遵守公司各项安全环保规定的前提下,负责常熟工厂内各类机械设备、管道和设施等的日常保养和维修; ●       Strong customer & service focus, try to find the problem and solve it proactively,take quickly response to provide technical support for production or other department;坚持客户至上观点,热情服务,主动发现问题并解决问题,及时响应生产部门的要求,积极提供所需的技术支持; ●       Take corrective action to solve the equipment trouble to ensure equipment run at  reliability and safety condition;对出现的故障进行分析和正确处理,以确保生产线的安全、可靠、稳定运行; ●       To carry out regular inspection work on field;执行日常的定期巡检工作; ●       Implement preventive maintenance plans;执行各项预防性保养计划; ●       Actively participate in the regular turn around maintenance work of the processing plant, and complete the maintenance tasks on time and in good quality;积极参加工厂的定期停车检修工作,按时保质完成检修任务; ●       Participate in the commissioning & startup of new projects or expansion projects, and do well in the inspection and lubrication of equipment before commissioning;参加新项目或改扩建项目的试车和投料运行工作,做好设备试运转前的各项检查、润滑等; ●       Fully abide by the company's QHSE requirements and SLSR, ensure that all maintenance activities comply with the relevant policy, especially for the SWP in daily work, identify all kinds of potential hazards, and carry out risk assessment JSA is necessary before start the work;完全遵守公司的各项安全、环保和质量的规定,确保所有的维修活动符合相关规定,特别是工作票制度和索尔维生命救护原则的各项规定;在日常工作中,识别各类潜在的危害,并进行风险**,对于有风险的作业,作业前要进行工作安全分析 ●       Subject to holiday or temporary overtime arrangements;服从节假日或临时加班安排; ●       Supervise the safety of contractors while working with them;与承包商一起工作时,同时监管他们的安全工作; ●       Complete other tasks assigned by the supervisor完成主管安排的其他任务  职位要求 教育背景:机械类专业,大专以上; 3年以上化工行业机械维修经验,有外企经验者优先 单女士 18915615333 常熟市黄河路263号港澳城C座102 联系我时,请说是在宁波生活网看到的,谢谢!


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